The 12 Week Transformation


    If you are here, you probably realize you have been moving through your life on auto pilot.  You have a general sense that something isn’t quite right or feels somewhat uncomfortable. You find yourself wondering if this is all there is – if perhaps settling for mediocre is what you are supposed to do. . .

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You can’t quite find the magic formula that works for your specific body to maintain a healthy body weight, combat the compulsion of emotional eating, manage and reduce your stress level, or maintain the level of energy you require to live your life fully and joyfully.
  • You are challenged by attracting and managing the level of financial resources required to experience the personal freedom you desire
  • You hesitate to ask for and receive what you want or need, or even to allow yourself to deserve or have the permission to feel fulfilled and aligned authentically to your purpose.
  • You resist falling in love with yourself because of a list of “shoulds” that you never seem to live up to
  • You settle for an “ok” life because it is easy and safe – but feel “the niggle” every day asking you why there isn’t more
  • You feel disconnected from loved ones, community . . .yourself – and avoid navigating “unsafe” concepts of trust, surrender and vulnerability

The habits that develop based on our belief system and identity are *automatic* – they are just part of who we are – they don’t require a lot of energy or thought because they are just how we show up in the world. So how do you wanna play this? Do you want to believe something that makes your desired habits super hard to maintain — or do you want to believe something that makes your desired habits easy and automatic? This intentional system of transformation will:

  • Get you laser focused on one area of your life where you seek to make lasting change.
  • Identify your motivating factor(s) for making this change now
  • Surface potential limiting beliefs so they can be evaluated and evolved to suit your vision for yourself
  • Systematically build an ecosystem and collection of tools that sets you up for inevitable success by aligning your habits to your identity, which makes them automatic almost as if by magic.

You will come away from this experience able to:

  • Re-imagine your life in a way that allows you to get out of auto pilot – and feel more alive, engaged and in the driver’s seat
  • Live fully in the present – with a mindset of gratitude and abundance
  • Learn techniques to master your emotions, thoughts and habits – turning them into the fuel that perpetuates your best life

Change your mind – change your life!

What this Package Includes:


✔️ 1 Initial 60-75 minute discovery session to identify the 12 week roadmap that works best for you

✔️ 12 Weekly 60 minute individual coaching sessions

✔️ Curated information and materials throughout the program that support and enhance your goals and your journey

✔️ Unlimited text/Messenger/Telegram and email support Mon-Fri during the program

✔️4 15-min SOS (stuck on something) calls to use in between 1:1 coaching sessions when you need that extra boost of support, additional clarity, or a pep talk before a big decision or action towards your goals.


The 12-Week Transformation: $2700

12 Month Journey to Brave

    Yeah, I have been in your shoes . . .

    The reality is, every single one of these scenarios has a root cause (and a solution!) tied directly to what you *believe* to be true.  Our beliefs give us a sense of security, even when they stop serving our best selves.  We are compelled to seek safety (even if that perceived safety is in an uncomfortable or even painful existence), so we will continually look for evidence that prove our beliefs are true.

    Your beliefs are what shape your identity.  Your behaviors and habits are a direct and aligned reflection of that identity.  You cannot maintain a habit if it is in conflict with the belief system you have about yourself or the world. You cannot hold two conflicting beliefs in your body. Science! Sure, you can read a self-help book, execute someone’s checklist for success, pour a bunch of grit and willpower behind it and jam that habit into your life – but guess what? Eventually you will get tired. Eventually you won’t be able to sustain the level of energy burn it takes to keep a death grip on that habit. Your mind will be so weary from having to constantly think about it.


    • You will never keep the weight off if you believe that losing weight and making healthy choices are hard for you – or even impossible.
    • You will never get the raise or the promotion at work (or maybe even change to your dream career) if you believe that there is a certain checklist of things you have to complete to be worthy or deserving of it.
    • You will never have financial abundance in your life if you believe that you are not a good money manager.
    • You will never sustain strong, soulful, healthy relationships if you believe that you are not worthy of love or that you always have bad luck in choosing partners.

    By showing up and investing in yourself to start this transformational journey you will be able to:


    • Eradicate once and for all the list of “shoulds” that you never seem to live up to that prevent you from falling completely in love with yourself.
    • Level-Up from an “ok” life because it is easy and safe – and claim the Out Loud Life you have dreamed of.
    • Gain clarity on the areas of your life where you seek to make lasting change, and pinpoint your motivating factor(s) for making this change now
    • Identify and break through limiting beliefs so they can be evaluated and evolved to suit your vision for yourself
    • Reconnect with loved ones, community . . .yourself – by embracing and navigating concepts of trust, surrender and vulnerability
    • Skillfully attract and manage the level of abundance required to experience the personal freedom you desire
    • Confidently ask for and receive what you want or need, and allow yourself to deserve and have the permission to feel fulfilled and aligned authentically to your purpose.
    • Systematically design and build an ecosystem and collection of tools that sets you up for inevitable success by aligning your habits to your identity, which makes them automatic almost as if by magic.
    • Reclaim the driver’s seat by re-imagining your life in a way that allows you to get out of auto pilot – and feel more alive and engaged
    • Break through past barriers and false starts with an intentional framework of accountability, encouragement and focus
    • Uncover and rewrite your specific, personal legacy stories and beliefs about yourself that are preventing you from living as your fully expressed self
    • Take back control of how you show up in the world by learning techniques to master your emotions, thoughts and habits – so that they become effortless and automatic

    Not sure where to start?

    4 + 5 =