The Journey to BRAVE


At birth, we come into the world with no limitations.  No hang-ups. No guilt. We expect that all of our needs will be met and that we are entitled to anything we desire.  Somewhere along the way as we grow up, we inherit and develop learned mindsets that tell us the exact opposite.

We start to hesitate asking for what we want and need. We feel we need to “earn” love, money, vibrant health, happiness, and abundance.  We think that taking more means someone else gets less – that the resources of the universe are finite and not renewable. We believe there is a checklist of items that will tell us when we are smart enough, have paid enough dues, or are worthy enough for that promotion, the big bank account, the soul mate, the outfit that makes us feel amazing and vibrant . . . .and ultimately, whether we deserve to live the life that brings us the most joy.

Every single one of us as human beings deserve all the health, joy and abundance we can absorb. We have a natural-born right to take up as much space as we need to fully be ourselves.  To fully step into this amazing life we have been given, we are absolutely obligated to soak in every last energetic drop of it.  To live out loud, unapologetically, sharing our brilliance and uniqueness with everyone we touch. I call this state of being “BRAVE” – which is an acronym for Bold. Resilient. Authentic. Vulnerable. Evolving.

In this year-long journey, we will collaborate to build the life you are truly meant to live by examining all of the five pillars of our human life – health, money, love & relationships, career/vocation, and connection to “that which is greater.” We will hold your belief system that has formed your identity up to the light and determine which beliefs still serve you and which do not.  You will have the space to think and experiment and play – to get curious about who you really are and how you really want to live.

Ultimately, we will re-imagine the foundation from which you will derive how you show up in the world – creating a system that conspires for your inevitable success.  Every single step along the way is fully customized to your goals and your vision for your best self.

    This commitment to self requires that you and I are a solid match to work and create together – and as such, part of the process is to complete an exploratory application for this signature offering.  Journey spaces are very limited to ensure that each collaborator has the space and support they need from me to achieve true life transformation.

Be curious. Be BRAVE.

6 months/$7,500

12 Month Journey to Brave

    What does it cost to NOT put yourself first?

    • The cost of not negotiating salary (or asking for what you want) can be upwards of $1.5M over the course of an individual’s life – and about 60% of people do not negotiate . . .
    • Healthy people accumulate about 28% more wealth over their lifetime than unhealthy people.
    • Unhealthy eating habits cost the American health care system $50B a year just for heart-related illnesses
    • The average cost of a divorce is $15,000 per person
    • On average, a financially illiterate person loses $1279 a year. That is over $51,000 over the course of a typical adult career span
    • How many other hidden costs are you accumulating every day, every month, every year in the areas of your life that are out of alignment?

    Not sure where to start?

    2 + 12 =